Educational Therapy
I offer individual sessions using a custom program of research-based methodologies and innovative techniques in the following areas:
Reading - fluency, comprehension, dyslexia
Writing - sentences, paragraphs, outlines, essays
Vocabulary - spelling, definitions, word choice
Mathematics - elementary and middle school levels
Executive Function - organization, pace, memory
Homework - following instructions, engagement and completion
Attention - focus and sustainability
Processing - auditory and visual
Self Concept - acceptance, enthusiasm, respect
Sociability - individual and group interaction
Small Motor Skills - handwriting, dysgraphia, drawing, keyboard
Study Skills - listening, note taking, time allotment, test preparation
Adele is a professional, trained to evaluate and remediate children, teens, and adults who are experiencing academic challenges and need specific and consistent support. These challenges include dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory and visual processing, memory, executive function, study skills, test taking, and all academic subjects. Adele’s expertise is in defining goals and launching a creative treatment plan based on each student’s particular learning style. Adele collaborates with family, teachers, and specialists to encourage academic growth.
Drawing helps to develop fine motor skills, support handwriting, strengthen eye-hand coordination and educate the brain. Archetypal and historical patterns follow the evolution of art and build an aesthetic sense. We utilize form in order to sit up straight in a chair, write one’s name, set up a math problem, make an outline, and map a constellation. Drawing trains the intelligence to be flexible as well as follow an intricate line of thought.
Color is an essential part of how we experience the world. It provides a vast array of visual and emotional sensations. It is a means for creative thinking and descriptive language. Color teaches children to make distinctions and harmonious combinations in the way they complement or clash. Color engages , excites, quiets, and soothes. It can bring an inner sense of order and balance to a confused, chaotic mind.
Clay is a strong and expressive medium that moves through the hands and makes the invisible, visible. It responds, reacts and has to be grappled with. It serves as a worthy metaphor. Clay is malleable and transformative and can become anything a child wants it to become. In this way it strengthens perception and encourages an agile mind.
Movement and learning have constant interplay. Physical activity stimulates the brain, sharpens attention and facilitates the transformation of thought into action. The part of the brain in high gear during a physical workout is the same part of the brain responsible for memory, spatial perception, decision making, and language. Spatially oriented exercises involve swinging, rolling, jumping, rocking, tumbling, stretching, and crossing the mid-line. They fortify cognition, agility, awareness, and self direction.